The empennage fairing did not fit too well. A large 4mm gap at the leading edge of the HS. It’s a nice snug fit on the VS, but not able to pull the fairing down to be flush with the HS. After discussing with the factory, I elected to add some flock filler along the fairing edges around the HS. (West System resin plus 403 filler). Drilling the 6mm holes in the fuselage for the rivnuts was a breathtaking moment. In the end, it all lined up very nicely. For easier inspection, I have decided to use flanged M4 hex button head bolts to fit.
MoreCategory: Elevator
Eyebolts – Sevice Bulletin
The factory has issued an SB 0020 on eyebolt types. Seems I have 25 out of 26 of the defective type 3 . All will need to be replaced! Spent 4 hours removing all eyebolts. The ones on the rudder pedals and inside the ailerons were harder than the others. Lucky for me I was able to do this at an early stage.
Started elevator, the instructions and Evans video are very clear. Note the 2 stainless steel rivets. Different rivet size on end ribs. 10 Feb 2022 Having got the HS absolutely straight proceeded with the elevator skins. Important notes. There are two floating ribs that need to be inserted the right way around. There are small pieces to strengthen the trim tab hinge. Smaller 6mm rivets are needed just on the right side at the thinnest point. The elevator composite tip on the right needed to be worked up with extra fibreglass. Add the trim servo inspection hatch mounting ring inside the elevator before skinning! Test fit to HS to check hinge alignment and elevator deflection. One hinge is is a bit stiff. Hard to attach on the bench. This will be hard with unsupported HS and Elevator. Deflection seems to be good and within specification in the POH (+30 Degrees). Earlier builders report having to remove some of the HS skin to achieve the required deflection.